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As of March 7 2019, the Office of the Public Guardian will be positioned within the Department of the Attorney-General and Justice. Coinciding with this move is the transfer of the financial management of Represented Adults’ finances to the Public Trustee.
For information about discussing your concern or making a complaint please call 1800 810979 or view our factsheet...
When you are completing the form to the Northern Territory Civil and Administrative Tribunal to apply for a guardianship order you need information about why the person needs a guardian to help them make decisions.
If you would like to talk to someone about guardianship please call 1800 810979
Did you know that the Inquiry and Engagement Team provides information and support to private guardians?
An Advance Personal Plan (APP), or ‘living will’, is a document that allows you to make decisions about your future health, financial and lifestyle preferences should you lose decision-making capacity in the future as a result of age, illness, accident or otherwise.
Join a raft of high-profile Australian speakers, and speakers from Canada, Hong Kong, Korea and Singapore, at the Australian Guardianship and Administration Council (AGAC) national conference at Canberra’s Hyatt Hotel on 14-15 March 2019.
When an adult close to you has difficulty making decisions, you might want to consider how a guardian can safeguard their best interests.
